

It was a part of an event named Makerspace organised by the Drishti-SVNIT. It was a month long event for B.Tech juniors. We were given a problem statement and have to solve it by learning new technologies and implementing them trough under the guidance of our mentors.

Project Details

Problem statement: To design a fire alarm device that can deliver a warning SMS directly to your cell phones.

Team members


Tech Stack

Atmel StudioAtmel Studio is an integrated development platform (IDP) for developing and debugging all AVR and SAM microcontroller applications.
Embedded CEmbedded C is an extension of C language and it is used to develop micro-controller-based applications.
ProteusProteus is a simulation and design software tool for Electrical and Electronic circuit design.


Atmega32A microcontroller handle the working and logic of the system.
SIM900DWidely use GSM module that can be used to send the SMS to the registered number.
TMP36A temperature sensor used to detect the temperature.
MQ2A gas sensor used to detect the gas leakage.
BuzzerIt is used to produce the sound.
Red-LEDAn indicator of the fire.


  • This was a completely new domain to us as we were in our first year of engineering. So we had to learn everything from scratch and as it was a workshop like event we have to provide a weekly report of our progress.

  • We started with learning the basics of the microcontroller its interfacing and architecture to understand how we can utilise it to solve our problem.

  • Then we researched about the sensors that we will be using in our oroject. Out initial list was,

    • BMP180: For temprature. (latter we find difficulty in interfacting so we switched to TMP36)
    • MQ2: For gas detection.
    • SIM900D: To serve as a GSM module




  • Now we have to learn about the interfacing of these modules so we have to learn about the communication protocols like I2C, SPI ans USART. And instead of using the prebuilt libraries we decided to write our own libraries for the modules. Protocols

  • Then set up the Atmet Studio and Proteus 8 to and developed some basic applications like blinking LED to get familiar with the IDE and the simulation software.

  • After that we started learning about the interfacing of the GSM module and how to use it to send the SMS. It was quiet complex to understand the protocol that it uses but out mentors helped us a lot.

  • After learning all the required things we started working on the project. We develop the project in different phases. First we develop the individual modules interfacing and then integrate them together. Our team was devided into group to work on defferent tasks but at the end of the week we share updates and learnings with each other.

  • Here show the flowchart of working of the project. Flowchart

  • By the end we have out final circuit ready and we tested it on the Proteus and it was working fine. Then we started working on the PCB design and the casing of the device, here show the final design of the PCB and the casing. Final Circuit

  • Working demo of the applicaion can be found here. YouTube

For more insight of the development process you can check out our detailed documentation of the project here.


Overall it was a great experience to develop this project. We learned a lot of new things and also got to know about the new domain. it is very intuative when we learn and develop the concepts parallelly which enhance the learning experience. I would like to thank all the mentors for their guidance and support throughout the event.