
I know it sound a bit lame but believe me its needed. In this era of frameworks people are underestimating the legends. In order to become a full stack developper people do the crash course of HTML and CSS. They just don’t know the importance.


Here we go ! First of all, HTML is an acronym for HyperText Markup Language and not any kind of esoteric language.

What is a markup language ?

A markup language is a system for annotating a document or text in a way that conveys information about its structure, formatting, and content. Basically a language to define the structure of a document.

HTML is a markup language that is used to create web pages. we can also understand by this analogy. skeleton.jpg


It was first created in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist, and has since undergone several revisions and updates to become the current HTML5 standard.

  1. HTML 1.0:

    The first version of HTML, HTML 1.0, was released in 1991 while working at CERN. It was a very basic markup language that was designed to be simple and easy to use. HTML 1.0 had limited features, and it was mainly used for creating simple documents that contained headings, paragraphs, and links.

  2. HTML 2.0:

    HTML 2.0 was released in 1995, and it introduced several new features that made it more useful for creating more complex web pages. HTML 2.0 included support for tables, image maps, and form elements, which allowed web designers to create more sophisticated layouts and interactive content.

  3. HTML 3.2:

    HTML 3.2 was released in 1997, and it was a significant upgrade from HTML 2.0. It introduced support for style sheets, which allowed web designers to control the layout and appearance of web pages more precisely. HTML 3.2 also introduced support for frames, which allowed web designers to divide a web page into multiple sections and display different content in each section.

  4. HTML 4.01:

    HTML 4.01 was released in 1999, and it was the most widely used version of HTML for many years. It introduced support for more advanced features such as CSS, scripting languages like JavaScript, and multimedia elements like audio and video. HTML 4.01 also included better support for internationalization, which made it easier to create web pages that could be viewed in different languages.

  5. HTML5:

    HTML5 was released in 2014 and is the current version of HTML. It introduced several new features that make it easier to create more complex web applications. HTML5 includes support for audio and video playback, canvas elements for drawing and animation, and support for offline web applications. It also provides better support for mobile devices and includes new elements and attributes that make it easier to structure web pages.

Bet you never know that HTML is so old, right ? Nowadays its so much satble that people are using it for creating web apps and even games.


  • HTML is not a programming language Ya now its been everyware and still few believe that HTML is a programming language. But its not.
  • HTML is not case sensitive, yup!! wRite liKe thIs if you want to.
  • Its never throw an error, how lovely is that ? (unleass your browser shows a warning)
  • There is still a way to debug the HTML, you can use the inspect element feature of your browser.
  • Its platform independent, you don’t need to install anything, you can use it on any platform, OS, as long you have a built-in browser.
  • No need to compile, you can just write and run it.
  • Not require any special IDE or editor, you can writre in you notepad as well.
  • You will be using X or Y framework, but it will eventually compile to HTML, CSS and JS.
  • You can learn the basics in a day. Check out this for more info.
  • Will never be leftout, its here to stay because its the very building block of Web Development.
  • People usally avoid working on a plain HTML code cause its quickly gets too long and messy.
  • The smallest valid HTML document is as simple as this.
<!DOCTYPE html>
  • The Hello World Program in HTML is as simple as this.
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>First Web Page</title>

    Hello World!

Tips & Tricks

  • There are some VS code extensions that will help you to make your more HTML more sensible.
    • You can use Emmet to speed up your workflow.
    • Prettier is a code formatter that will help you to format your code.
    • Auto Rename Tag will help you to rename the opening and closing tags at the same time.
  • Alyays use alt text for your images, it will help the people who are visually impaired.
  • Always use semantic tags, it will help the search engines to understand your content. sematic_elements.png
  • You can use the HTML validator to check your code.
  • Some characters are reserved in HTML, you can use the HTML character codes to use them.
  • Always check if there exist a valid HTML tag for the content you are trying to add don’t use the div tag for everything.


Even I got to know a lot of things about HTML while writing this post, I hope you did too. Its always to learn the vary building block of technology to understand it better. Do concider sharing this post with your friends and colleagues. If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to ping me on my any socials. And thanks for reading. 🙌