
Book TitleThe Subtle Art of Not Giving A F*ck
DescriptionA Counterintuitive Approach to Living a Good Life.
AuthorMark Manson


  • Don’t try to become what you aren’t. Accept that you are a loser.
  • We always imagine what we are not or failed to become.
  • Smallest dog bark the loudest.
  • The feedback loop from hell
  • We joke about first world problems, but we become the victims of our own success.
  • The desire for the positive experience is itself a negative experience. Although accepting negative experiences is a positive experience.
  • If you don’t find out what meaningful to you, you give f*ck about meaningless things.
  • Habit to question the emotions (they are not true always)
  • Entitlement is crap its like j*rking off your ego. Just avoid it.
  • Internet open-source the information which comes with open-source insecurities and problems.
  • That makes a fake reality where people which are average at all most everything, believes being exceptional is new average, which is not possible cause not everyone can be exceptional, that doesn’t satisfy the definition of itself.
  • Normal things are normal for a purpose, like reading a good book, laughing with friends, etc.
  • We think we have toaster ovens and designer footwear, so we are sophisticated, but in instincts, we’re apes. And because we are apes, we instinctual measure ourselves with others, but it depends on which stands we measure.
  • Pleasure is great, but it’s a horrible way to prioritize your life around.
  • Good values are reality-based, socially constructive, immediate, and controllable, where bad values are superstitious, socially destructive, and not immediate or controllable.
  • GOOD VALUES : Honesty, Innovation, venerability, Standing up for oneself, standing up for others, Self-respect, Curiosity, Cheering, Humility, Creativity.
  • BAD VALUES : Dumb manipulation or violence, Indiscriminate fu*king, Feeling good all the time, Always being center of attention, Not being alone, Being liked by everybody, Being rich, Sacrificing animals to pray god.
  • Prioritize better values to give a f*ck about cause it tends to better problems which tend to better life.
  • Fault is past tense, but responsibility is present tense.
  • I’m always wrong about everything over and over and over again, but that’s how my life improves. Michael Jordan
  • We are never completely right. Instead, we are always les wrong.
  • Always doubt your beliefs instead of accepting certainty
  • The more you try to be certain about something, the more insecure you become.
  • We should always be uncertain about our future and be aware of the present.
  • Kill yourself - In context of the image of yourself in your mind - Budha
  • If everybody else has been screwed up, then it’s far, far far, and it’s more likely that I’m the one who screwed up.
  • Wherever it feels like you vs. the world, it’s only you vs. yourself.
  • Failure is the way through - even if you fail, you only come back where you start then why not try ?
  • Our most radical in perspective changes happen at the tail of our worst moment.
  • Learn to sustain your pain. When you introduce new value, you introduce new pain to your life.
  • Action is the motion, so as the case.
  • DO SOMETHING PRINCIPAL: The infinite loop of inspiration, motivation, and action.
  • Humans have a unique ability to imagine alternate past and alternate future and if they imagine a reality without their existence is a threat of death. But the best we imagine is that we can choose our values more freely and the root terror of underlying anxiety motivating all our ambitious thoughts can be get away.
  • You are great already, whether you realize it or not, whether anybody will realize it or not. Because in the face of endless confusion and certain death you continue to choose what to give a fuck about and what not to.