
Book TitleThe Almanack of Naval Ravikant
DescriptionA Guide to Wealth and Happiness.
AuthorEric Jorgenson


  • If you have even one person in your life who loves you unconditionally, It will do wonders for your self-esteem.
  • Seek wealth, not money or status
  • All the return in life comes from compound interest.
  • If society can train you, they can train others, but special knowledge can only be found by following your genuine interest, not by following whatever is hot right now.
  • Business leverage comes from capital, people, product, and no marginal cost of application.
  • Reading is faster than listening. Doing is faster than watching.
  • Productize yourself.
  • Wealth is your asset, a program that runs in the background and makes you weathy.
  • Society will pay you because you make stuff for them and they don’t know how to make themselves. Once they know they won’t pay you.
  • Specific knowledge can not be taught but can be learned.
  • 99% of our lives are worth nothing, but for that 1%, we should go all in. It’s difficult to figure out that 1%, but it’s the only what worth.
  • The less you want something, the less you think about it. The less you are obsessed with it,the more you are going to do in a natural way. So do the stuff for their sake.
  • If you have independence and are accountable for your output to your input, that’s the dream.
  • If you want to be a part of a tech company, you either build or sell, and if you don’t know any of them, learn.
  • If your hourly rate is higher than the person you can hire, hire them to do your job instead.
  • Never play the game of status. Avoid it. You can never be the best if you want a status.
  • The one is the best who takes his work as play and enjoys it. And money becomes the side-effect.
  • Earn with your mind not time, get paid for your judgment.
  • Spned time for desciding instead of acting, it will last decades.
  • Decide where you live, who you with and what you do in your early stage.
  • Be an entrepreneur who failed rather one who never try becase you at least have courage to make on your own.
  • Retirement is when you stop sacrificing today for tomorrow.
  • Build your character in a certain way then your character becomes your destiny.
  • Sharks eat well but live a life surrounded by sharks.
  • You get rich by saving your time for money not by spending your time for money.
  • If you can’t explain to a child you don’t know it.
  • Desire makes you blind from truth.
  • Tension is who you think you shoud be and relaxation is who you are.
  • There are no permanent solution for a dynamic system.
  • For important decisions discard memory and identity qnd focus on the problem.
  • Praise specifically and criticize generally - Warren Buffet
  • If you can’t decide the answer is no.
  • Take short term pain for longterm gain by law of compound interest.
  • Read what you love untill you love to read.
  • Read 2hr a day and you are in 0.00001%.
  • As long as I have a book in hand I’m not wasting my time - Charlie Monger
  • Truths above social approvals.
  • Happiness is a default state, It means you don’t feel anything missing.
  • We think of ourself as fixed and the world as meliable but in reality the world is fied and we are meliable.
  • We crave experiences that make us be present but the craving themselves take us from the present.
  • Desire is a contract of being unhappy untill you achieve it.
  • Most suffering comes from avoidance.
  • Anything you have to do just get it done, you’re not getting younger.
  • Set up systems not goals. - Scott Adams
  • You must lie to yourself before laying to others.
  • Inspiration is perishable, act on it immediately.