
Book TitleDeep Work
DescriptionRules for Focused Success in a Distracted World.
AuthorCarl Newport


  • Shallow work: Non cognitively demanding logistical styled tasks often performed while distracted.
  • Network tools are distracting from work that requires unbroken concentration while simultaneous degrading our capacity to remain focus.
  • Free from electronic detraction to rely on books, may be hard in the beginning but very effective.
  • To remain valuable in our economy therefore you must master art of quickly learning complicated things, this task require deep work. If you don’t cultivate this ability you likely to fall behind in this technology advances.
  • How to become a winner in the new economy, there are claimed two groups,
    • Those who can work creatively with intelligent machines.
    • Those who are stars in their field.
  • The abilities to thrive in the new economy, there are two core ones,
    • The ability to quickly master hard things.
    • The ability to produce at an elite level in terms of both quality and speed.
  • Deliberate practice required to stay focused.
    • Your attention is focus tightly on a specific skill you trying to improve or an idea trying to master.
    • You receive feedback so you can correct your approach to keep your attention exactly where its most productive.

(Reading . . .)